Jess Kennedy: Mental Health, Addiction & Recovery Motivational Speaker

  • Disability Speaker in Melbourne, VIC

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $400 to $950
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Jess, using her lived experience with Mental Health, Addiction & ADHD, amplifies the words she wish she heard during her darkest moments. 

Educating organisations though creating psychologically safe, trauma informed environments  and a good dose of dark humour throughout.

In 2023, Jess worked with over 50 organisations, Ranging from small business start ups, to encouraging the toughest construction workers to learn how to look after those around them, whilst listening to their own feelings first.

Jess aspires to be the voice she wished she had during her darkest moments to inspire change.




Lisa's Lesson in Eltham, Sep 2024

Jess engaged a room of Year 11 and 12 students with her deeply personal story and ultimate message of compassion and hope. She was humorous, quick-witted, and understanding of individuals' emotional needs in the classroom. I'm so pleased my students had the opportunity to meet Jess.

Jayde 's Event in 3093, Mar 2024

Jess came to our Therapeutic Community and shared her story with people who are also in recovery. Jess’s story was relatable, inspiring and provided hope to those who share a similar background. We highly recommend Jess to speak at any event, as she is very skilled at capturing an audience with her authenticity and humour. Thanks Jess!

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You can expect upto an hour of speaking + open discussion following.

When Jess shares her life, it is an example of how recovery journeys are different and what works for one person does not work for the other, through these journeys Jess is able to create a picture of ambition in the darkest of moments in a persons life.

Originally from a 15 year commercial finance background, Jess is more than familiar with corporate mental health, which deeply affected her.

Working various lived experience roles in 2022, Jess can attest to the internalised stigma which can exist and how we can all work to overcome it for the better of those who need help.

As for today, Jess works in construction where Mental Health is quietly discussed and almost acknowledged, but not quite where it should be.

Overall - you will get a talk that will make you laugh, cry, think, learn and hopefully learn to look at those around you with compassion.

Throw me a mic

Let me know what you need and I will arrange it!

If you have a package booking you want to discuss let’s look into it together.

Jess works closely with not for profit organisations and charities so please get in touch to discuss specific requirements

All police checks, working with children checks and NDIS screener checks available