Comedian in Townsville, QLD
- Travels Nationwide
- Starting from $250
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Townsville based and providing comedic services from Cairns to the southern most regions, I am a regular, in demand comedian. Available for all things Comedy from providing additional entertainment to a corporate event to producing an entire show with the North’s most notoriously funny people, even incorporating imported professionals of the craft. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of Australia’s funniest, Mel Buttle, Jacques Barrett, Al Del Bene, Greg Sullivan, Brett Blake and Nick Capper and have booked to gigs in prestigious comedy rooms such as Sit Down Comedy Club, Good Chat, Crack Up Comedy, Brown Snake Comedy, Roast Rooms, Comedy at the Commy and Lolly Malones.

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Just laughter. It is my own personal aim in life, to laugh as often as I can. Humour keeps me balanced and my job, as I see it, is to put humour into the humourless. It’s a crazy world, why not have a giggle about it. And why stop at a giggle, laugh out loud, snort, wee a little - it really is the best medicine.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Indy C.
Entertainment from comedy is best achieved with adequate lighting and sound. House PA’s are seldom sufficient to get maximum entertainment value. Lighting is just as important. Keeping the focus on the stage and with light and sound goes a long way to making your comedy booking a success.
Comedy isn’t always just saying whatever comes to mind with no regard for consequence. Please talk to me about your audience and your expectations so that I can tailor my sets to your requirements. From family friendly to balls out, it’s entirely up to you. If I cannot deliver what you need, I am in a good position to point you toward a comedian that can.
Insurance remains the responsibility of the venue or the organiser of the event.