• After Dinner Speaker in Springfield, QLD

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $1,850 to $15,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

🌟 Ignite Transformation with Eric Bailey CSP, Certified Speaking Professional: Australia's Most Versatile Motivational Speaker.🌟

Experience Eric Bailey, a captivating catalyst for change with a 30+ year legacy of motivating diverse audiences. From boardrooms to arenas, Eric's journey from professional sports to executive leadership fuels his impactful keynotes. Students, executives, entrepreneurs – Eric's message transcends, offering actionable insights for success. His relatable story and magnetic energy leave lasting impressions, resonating far beyond the stage. As a global force, Eric's influence spans industries, cultures, and continents. 🌟 Book Eric Today!🌟



Mike's Corporate Event in Brisbane CBD, May 2024

Eric was Awesome. He had our group of 70 engaged right from the first moment. Very personal talk that many could relate to points, but also business focused, so they could take away some insights. If you want someone to Motivate - choose Eric.

Aaron's Corporate Event in Gold Coast, Apr 2024

Eric was engaging and motivated the entire room, a lot of lessons learnt and our team will excel due to Eric's influence

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More Info

Embark on the extraordinary journey of Eric Bailey, a narrative defined by resilience, perseverance, and unparalleled achievement. Eric's odyssey began amidst the tumult of parental abandonment, finding solace under the protective mantle of Children's Service Protection (CSP). Despite confronting formidable adversities, Eric's inner drive and unwavering determination propelled him forward.

Today, Eric stands as a beacon of inspiration, having transcended his challenging origins to scale the heights of success. His recent elevation to the esteemed rank of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) not only signifies personal triumph but also serves as a testament to the transformative capacity of the human spirit.

The CSP designation stands as the pinnacle of recognition in the realm of professional speaking, reserved for individuals showcasing exceptional expertise, experience, and excellence. Eric's attainment of this prestigious title underscores his mastery of the craft and his steadfast commitment to empower and uplift audiences globally.

With fewer than 800 speakers worldwide holding the CSP designation, representing less than 12% of NSA members, Eric's achievement is a rare distinction in the speaking profession.

Embark on the remarkable journey of Eric Bailey CSP, renowned as Australia's Most Versatile Global Motivational Speaker, and witness firsthand the impact of his boundless passion, profound insights, and infectious enthusiasm as he continues to inspire and transform lives.

Why Choose Eric Bailey?

1. Elevate with Eric's Proven Strategies: Eric's insights aren't mere theories – they're tried-and-true strategies that have been refined through real-world experiences. His captivating presence on stage emanates from a rich history that spans from the basketball court to the global stage, allowing him to deeply connect with audiences from all walks of life.

2. Global Perspective, Universal Impact: With a global footprint, Eric Bailey has touched lives across 13 continents, instilling hope, and courage in the hearts of countless individuals 4.5 million. His messages transcend cultural boundaries, uniting audiences in a shared pursuit of excellence and personal growth.

3. Storytelling that Resonates: Eric's powerful storytelling weaves a tapestry of relatable experiences, creating a bridge between his life lessons and the aspirations of his listeners. His stories aren't just anecdotes – they're life-altering narratives that inspire change and foster resilience.

β˜…Your captivating personality and approach grabbed all of us in the room, and you didn’t let us go! You made us laugh and cry with your touching personal stories. -Jenifer Hopkins, Flight Centre

Who Is Eric?

Eric's early life could have been a script of despair, but he chose a different path. With unwavering determination, he refused to be defined by his circumstances. Instead, he embraced the challenges as steppingstones, propelling him toward a destiny beyond anyone's imagination.

Born with a bone disease and abandoned by his biological parents, Eric journeyed through the unforgiving streets of South-Central Los Angeles. Rather than succumb, he channeled these struggles to forge strength. In a neighborhood synonymous with challenges, he unearthed his unbreakable spirit.

A pivotal mentor recognized Eric's potential, propelling him to secure a university education against all odds. Overcoming mental, emotional, physical, and financial hurdles, this marked the inception of his transformative journey.

Although NBA dreams encountered setbacks, Eric's tenacity endured. He ventured to Australia in the early '80s, pioneering the National Basketball League (NBL). While injuries curtailed his playing career, his passion burned on.

For over 30 years, Eric's impact transcends borders. Giants such as Qantas, Footlocker, NBA, Pizza Hut, Robert Walters, John Deere, Scotia Bank, CIMB Bank, Toyota, RE/MAX and many more have sought his transformative insights.

As a Certified Mental Wellness First Aid Coach and Facilitator, Eric possesses the tools to nurture wellbeing. His workshops and keynotes extend across mediums – online, convention centres, boardrooms, classrooms, and even the basketball court. He pioneers groundbreaking team-building activities on the hardwood and offers one-on-one coaching.

Signature Keynote and Workshops: The Championship DNA:

Eric's trademark "The Championship DNA" series has garnered rave reviews worldwide. This transformative offering encapsulates his philosophy and empowers individuals to unleash their inner champions. The workshops and keynotes can be delivered online, in convention centers, boardrooms, classrooms, on the basketball court with groundbreaking Team Building Activities on the hardwood, and through one-on-one coaching.

Recognized as the 22nd best Motivational Speaker in the World in 2014 and a recipient of the highly prestigious CSP award in 2008, Eric's words kindle flames, reshape destinies, and guide transformative journeys.

The Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) award is an exceptional honor achieved by fewer than 10 percent of all global speakers. It signifies Eric's dedication and expertise in inspiring change and driving impact.

A Catalyst for Global Change:

Eric's story resonates on global stages - from Fox News to CBS, NBC, and CEO Magazine. His empowerment message reaches far and wide.

Eric is a loving proud father, grandfather, ambassador for change, lending his voice to organizations like Nourish the Children and Adopt Change. His commitment to impact goes beyond motivational speaking.

Your organization will be transformed and engaged when you BOOK ERIC BAILEY.

​When You Book Eric You Get This Pack Complimentary!!!

"Success Surge Supplements: Complimentary Edition"

1. Customized Pre-Event Consultation: Eric will conduct a detailed pre-event consultation to understand your organization's specific goals and challenges. This ensures that the content and message of his presentation are tailored precisely to your needs.

2. Post-Event Resources: Eric can provide post-event resources like presentation materials, handouts, or video recordings of the session. This allows attendees to revisit and reinforce the key takeaways from the presentation.

3. Interactive Q&A Session: In addition to the main presentation, Eric can include an extended interactive Q&A session. This gives attendees the opportunity to engage directly with Eric, ask questions, and receive personalized advice.

4. Follow-Up Webinar or Workshop: To further support the application of the concepts learned, Eric can offer a follow-up webinar or workshop. This session can delve deeper into specific topics discussed during the main presentation and provide actionable strategies for implementation.

5. Access to Exclusive Content: Attendees can gain exclusive access to Eric's library of motivational content, including articles, videos, and podcasts. This content can serve as ongoing inspiration and reinforcement of the principles discussed during the event.
6. Complimentary One-on-One Coaching Session with Eric Bailey:

As a special bonus, one lucky individual from the audience or organization will have the exclusive opportunity to schedule a 45-minute one-on-one coaching session directly with Eric Bailey himself. Whether you're attending a workshop, conference, or any event featuring Eric, this private session is a chance for a deeply personalized experience. It's an intimate interaction with Eric, a globally renowned motivational speaker and certified mental wellness first aid coach, offering an exclusive opportunity to receive expert guidance, motivation, and insights tailored specifically to your unique needs and goals. This exclusive session aims to empower individuals to overcome obstacles, boost resilience, and embark on a path to personal and professional success with Eric as their dedicated coach and mentor. Don't miss this chance to elevate your journey!

Headset or Lapel Microphone. Facility for PowerPoint and YouTube. (Optional)

Eric travels from Brisbane Airport. Airfare, accommodation and car pickup is required. He will negotiate on any reasonable requests for his upper-level fees.
Size of audience, length of presentation (workshop, keynote, team building) are factors in the price point. Eric has a range of presentations and workshops that can be customized and tailored for all size groups and budgets. Also, presentations by Zoom or other online platforms have become a huge part of his business.

When You Book Eric for Your Event You Get these 5 Complimentary Services:

1. Pre-event consultation: I will provide a free consultation with my client/stakeholders prior to the event to discuss their goals, audience, and desired outcomes. This would allow me to tailor my presentation to their specific needs and ensure that I deliver maximum value to their attendees.

2. Customized resources: I will offer customized resources to attendees, such as handouts, worksheets, or templates, that they can use to implement your ideas and strategies in your own lives or work. This would help reinforce my message and provide practical tools for continued learning and growth.

3. Follow-up coaching: I will offer a follow-up coaching session or group coaching call with attendees after the event to help them stay on track and apply my insights to their own situations. This would provide ongoing support and accountability and help ensure that they achieve lasting results.

4. Q&A session: I offer a Q&A session after my presentation to allow attendees to ask questions, share their thoughts, and deepen their understanding of the topic. This would provide a valuable opportunity for engagement and interaction and help build a sense of community around my message.

5. Networking opportunities: I will offer networking opportunities for attendees, such as a meet-and-greet session or a facilitated discussion, to help them connect with each other and build relationships. This would create a sense of shared experience and reinforce the value of my presentation.

Eric has a Queensland Blue Card and liability insurance.