Ain't My Style

  • Blues Band in Sydney, NSW

  • Travels up to 25 km
  • From $495 to $890
  • Available on Fri Sat Sun

Ain't My Style brings an energetic experience to the stage as a dynamic blues rock trio. The repertoire boasts a fusion of original compositions and reimagined covers infused with a contemporary funky vibe. Whether it's a punchy 45-minute set or a marathon 3-hour performance, Ain't My Style adapts seamlessly to any timeframe. Their secret to a memorable show lies in their setlist song selection, steering clear of mainstream hits like "Mustang Sally" and instead delivering a refreshing lineup featuring tracks from acclaimed artists such as Damon Fowler, Ainsley Lister, John Mayall, Coco Montoya, Davey Knowles, and others who share their distinctive blues rock vibe.


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A great high energy show with solid grooves

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Ain't My Style.

We provide our own gear and a PA for a standard sized venue of up to approx 100 patrons if required. Larger venues of more than 100 patrons may require hiring a larger PA system foldbacks/monitors and subs. Additional cost of approx $380.00 to the hire. For open air venues a mixer, sound technician and PA will add approx $550.00 to the cost of a 3 hours show.